Empple Festival Awards — 2021

Last Friday we had the pleasure to participate in the first employer branding festival in Serbia.
Empple’s goal is to promote and encourage healthy organisational practices in order to create a better ecosystem for each member of one’s company.
Besides hearing insightful lectures from the speakers during the first part of the festival, we are proud to say that we have won two awards:
- The Best Employee Recognition Program
- The Best Alumni Program
We are delighted that our already established practices, which we continue to evolve, were recognised among all other submissions.
For us, these awards are the entire company’s achievement, so dear colleagues: Congratulations to you all!
Best Employee Recognition Program
We believe that our colleagues are our biggest value, and that’s why we've created multiple recognition programs:
- “The Colleague of the Month”
- “People Awards”
- “Five and Ten Years of Loyalty”
- “Fitlife”
- “Most Valuable Professional - MVP”
- “STAR…That Makes Others Shine”
- “Most Inspiring Act of Kindness”
It is our mission to work on creating a happy organisation where we will all enjoy working. This is especially influenced by two things—the results achieved, and the relationships with colleagues and managers.
The program “Vega IT Values You” is one of the ways to show our colleagues how much we appreciate their dedication and hard work, as well as to show them that good deeds and great results do not go unnoticed.

Empple Award: The Best Employee Recognition Program
Best Alumni Program
Vega IT Alumni network is about lifelong relationships. Our belief is that keeping in touch is the right thing to do.
It’s about mutual trust, mutual investment, and mutual benefit in an era where lifetime employment is no longer the norm. Only people with an invite have a chance to be a part of our Alumni program.
The perks of being our Alumni member:
- Invitation to our formal and informal events
- Invitation to our “knowledge sharing” events
- The possibility to become a speaker at our “knowledge sharing” events
- Getting references for future opportunities
- Receiving help for developing new ideas
- Receiving career or business guidance
- Experience exchange
- Receiving strategic advice
- Becoming involved in our Alumni week activities
Currently, the Vega IT Alumni Club has 55 members, and in addition to socializing and exchanging knowledge, we founded 5 new companies with 8 of our Alumni members.

Empple Award: The Best Alumni Program
We will continue to further develop our existing programs, and we will try to create an even better company culture for all our colleagues.
If you want to learn more about our company culture, download our Culture Book. And if you like what you read, head over to our career page and send us your resume.
We are just a hop, a skip and a jump from the city center, and we would love to meet you!