The Colleague of the Month of February 2021: Dragan Nedeljkov

February may be the shortest month of the year, but that does not mean it can’t be filled with great things. As we welcome March, it is time to find out which colleague proudly took our “Colleague of the Month” award.
Each month, our colleagues can nominate anyone from the company for our Colleague of the Month program. This nomination needs to contain reasons why that person should receive this award. After that, our colleagues can anonymously vote for the person they think deserves to be crowned as our colleague of the month.
And the Award Goes to…
The results are in and this February this title goes to Dragan Nedeljkov!
The nomination:
“Last week I indirectly took part in one activity conducted by our colleague Dragan Nedeljkov when he agreed to help one of our colleagues prepare for her interview with clients.
I was thrilled to see Dragan playing a part of someone who is taking part in the interview for the first time and going one step further by gathering with her for the weekend where they worked on this task together.
After that, my colleague who attended the interview which went well told me that she didn’t know how she would have dealt with certain situations if Dragan had not prepared her so well for the interview.”
We caught up with Dragan to hear what this title means to him:
“I would like to thank my colleague for nominating me as well as other colleagues who voted for me. I have been in the company for only a few months and this recognition means a lot to me. :) I believe that one of the main qualities of the employees in our company is the collegiality and readiness to share their knowledge and help their colleagues. This is why the fact that I received this award brings even bigger satisfaction to me, as this means that even my small contribution didn’t go unnoticed. :)”
Dragan, thank you for everything you are doing for our colleagues and our company. We are proud to have you as our colleague. :)
Get to Know Dragan
One of his biggest passions is portrait photography, but he is also passionate about football jerseys - he has one fine collection. Besides that, he is an astrophile and in love with everything that has to do with astronomy, which is why he was super excited when he found out that our offices were named by the planets of the Solar system.
The countdown for the next month has already started! If you want to know who our next colleague of the month will be, follow us on social media.