Code For a Cause 6: Be the Driving Force of Positive Change in Your Community

Have you ever wanted to make a positive impact in your community but didn't know where to start?
Six years ago, we launched the "Code For a Cause" campaign with the goal of gaining a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by our fellow community members. Our idea was to create tailored software solutions that could effectively assist them in their daily lives. At the heart of our campaign is the belief that every individual has the power to become a driving force of change in their community.
This has been confirmed by the great results we have achieved so far:
- the completion of 45 projects
- the involvement of hundreds of volunteer developers
- the creation of a positive impact on the lives of thousands of individuals
We're excited to announce the launch of our 6th campaign. This year, 6 non-profit organizations from Serbia and Montenegro will get a chance to join our Hackhaton and turn their ideas into a reality. If you're interested in giving back to the community, we invite you to learn more about the phases of our campaign and how you can contribute.
Phase 1: Share your ideas with us!
Do you possess an idea on how to improve your community? Awesome! We’d like to hear all the details. Don't waste time, SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION HERE by the 15th of May, and initiate the process of transforming your idea into a reality!
Please keep in mind that you may submit numerous ideas.
Phase 2: We will announce 6 ideas, which will be developed during the Hackathon
Once we gather all the ideas, our team will select five projects which will be developed during the final hackathon event. The criteria for selecting the associations that came up with ideas will be based on the impact that the software solution would have on the community.
This impact will be measured by the number of users who would benefit, the promotion of social inclusion, and the ability to address important social issues such as health, safety, environmental protection, among others. We will also take into account the complexity of the application.
Disclaimer: Vega IT reserves the right to include an additional project not included in the priority list of 6 chosen projects or to choose to develop a specific project from the priority list if we believe that some ideas will have a positive impact on society. All the ideas, as well as software, will remain the property of the initiators of the ideas and will be given to the public to use it. Vega IT is also obliged to finish all the projects initiated at the hackathon and give the source code to the idea initiators.
Phase 3: Open call for IT Engineers and Designers
After we announce 6 projects which will be developed at our final event, Hackathon, we will invite the IT community to join and be the driving force of positive change in our community. From June 1st to July 10th, we will align your tech stack with the projects' requirements.
During the same period, we will invite designers to give their contribution by creating amazing and functional designs.
Phase 4: Open call for IT students
We love to lead by example and CFAC presents an excellent opportunity to teach young people about the significance of giving back to the community. Therefore, we have chosen to include 5 IT students in the hackathon, and give them the opportunity to collaborate with experienced colleagues, acquire new skills, and become part of a group of change-makers. If you want to join us, feel free to apply from the 1st of July until the 1st of August.
Phase 5: Hachakton
September the 15th is reserved for the most exciting part of the campaign - 48-hour Hackathon. For the entire weekend, starting on Friday the 15th and ending on Sunday the 17th, participants will work together to bring all 6 ideas to life. As always, we will have a big challenge ahead of us. However, over the years, this event has brought a lot of positivity, fun and great teamwork which resulted in success year after year. You already have some ideas on your mind? We invite you to share it with us and stay tuned for further updates.