Activities at Vega IT: the EU Code Week 2019

Today’s fast-changing industry gives the knowledge-seeking individuals an opportunity to learn something new, question the methods and technologies they use to improve their code quality and create reliable software solutions.

Coding Dojo at Vega IT
This year we have gathered to celebrate the EU Code Week the best way we can - by organising numerous knowledge-sharing events for our colleagues. From talks to workshops, we have tried to keep our sessions fun and versatile.
What Was the EU Code Week 2019 like at Vega IT?
Over the previous years, we have organised “Ask the Experts” events which were open to the public and we have held workshops with external consultants. This time our goal was to increase the number of sessions and focus on the areas our colleagues were interested in.
Our activities:
- Intro to React - lecture covered main React concepts and React way of thinking
- React basics part 1 & part 2 - lectures covered more advanced concepts such as Context API, HOC, Lifecycle methods, React Hooks, React Router
- Redux workshop - lecture covered main Redux concepts, Project structure when using Redux, Client-Server communication when using Redux, Selector Pattern, Reselect library
- Advanced React workshop - lecture covered writing Webpack config, writing tests using Jest, Code Splitting & Lazy Loading in React, intro to React-intl library
- Coding Dojo
- Linux Ubuntu talk
Our Future Activities
October isn’t the only month and EU Code Week isn’t the only week when we promote learning and improving our skills. Together with our colleagues, we try to organise knowledge sharing sessions each month. Did you know that in just a couple of days we will host an internal STAR conference with two tracks for the third time in a row?
Besides the STAR conference, we tend to organise FE Day conference and numerous workshops with both in-house and external consultants throughout the year.
That’s why we can proudly say that Vega IT is a place where learning continues. :-)
Do you have any ideas for our next workshop? Let us know in the comments.