I do care about my happiness at work

It is well-known that Vega IT is the company that cares about its employees’ happiness. But I had to ask myself - what does the phrase “happiness at work” mean to me?
IT companies usually provide a lot of benefits which motivate employees to be better and more productive at work. For example, fresh fruits on a daily bases (checked!), team buildings (checked!), a slide and swings in offices (checked!). Those are really cool things but they don’t make me really happy. One of the most important things in my life is to have the ability to speak about what’s on my mind (sometimes I really talk without filtering what I’m saying. I know, I’m working on that :)) and be heard.
Recently, Vega IT became the First Freedom-Centered Company from Serbia. In short, it means that here in Vega IT, we are asked, heard and respected (checked!). So yes, I am happy at work.
But what about happiness in my private life? Well, that is another story. Something is still missing. Or someone! Researches showed that we are most likely to find a partner at work. So I decided to test that theory by using our latest promotion and the freedom we have, to speak to my boss about how we can improve not only my happiness at work but my happiness in general... I listed all the things I wanted to find in my significant other and sent them to him in the form of a user story. It was meant to be a joke. However, a couple of weeks later I was sitting with him and the three colleagues of mine in the conference room, where we were discussing how we can add these things to a job ad. For almost half of the meeting, I was waiting for him to tell me that he was kidding and to tell me the real reason for our meeting.
He was serious. And to be honest, I was serious with my user story as well.
In the end, we decided not to create an ad with those requirements because some people can find it too insulting. However, if you, who are reading this, find yourself in my user story, take a look at our opened positions. As you can see, we are a really open-minded company (checked!).