When I think about going to the doctor's, I always remember an advertisement which was on TV during the nineties, a big crowded hall with sick people and there was only one doctor telling everybody that he was on a break and that they had to wait. Just to be clear, this was an ad for an insurance company.
Call, explain the issue, arrange the date and time for medical examination, as soon as possible. That is how the procedure of going to the doctor's sounds and, no, it is not unreal. Going to the doctors is not the thing that people fancy and do with excitement, but, every person should do this at least once in his or her lifetime. The main reason why people avoid medical appointments are mostly crowded waiting rooms, because no one likes to wait, and the fact that people who have jobs must pay attention to hundreds of factors to manage their free time and the doctor's schedule. Not to mention money, which has a big role in these situations.
However, Vega IT has made an effort to remove these issues when it comes to going to the doctor's so all of its employees have a private health insurance. We can use our private health insurance at the best clinics around the country, for examination by general practitioners and specialists, for diagnostic, laboratory analysis and physical therapy.
One of our colleagues had a great experience with using this insurance. "I went to different examinations by specialists and diagnostics. All that, including gynecologist, physiatrist, cardiologist, then gastroscopy, magnetic resonance, biopsy... All these really expensive examinations were covered by insurance which is great because they would have made a big hole in my budget "- she said.
She added that the personnel was really kind and she did not have any trouble with scheduling the appointments.
In words of other colleagues, there are no crowds, when you have a scheduled appointment, you go to the doctor and everything is finished in no time.
We believe that "Being healthy and fit is not a trend, it's a lifestyle". #Fitlife #LifeAtVegaIT