The Web in Real Life

Sladjana Miljanovic Categories: Internal, workers, worker success, Events Date 29-Sep-2012

Table of contents

    Sladjana:   No, wait. Talk about how we got there.
    Danilo:   There's a newsletter. I got the Smashing newsletter. About the first Smashing Magazine design conference.
    Sladjana:   And of course, who wouldn't want to go? But who can afford to go?
    Danilo:   So I showed it to Sladjana, and of course she-

    Image source: Smashing Magazine

    Sladjana:   It's a designer's dream conference. So listen. Sasa called me into his office.
    Danilo:   Sasa gets the newsletter, too.
    Sladjana:   Wait. So I go see to Sasa, and he asks me, without knowing that Danilo and I had already ranted about it, if it was something I might be interested in or want to talk about.
    Danilo:   It was just one of those things.
    Sladjana:   So I told Sasa, "There's nothing to talk about."
    Danilo:   Because of the people there.
    Sladjana:   Okay, the people.
    Danilo:   People from all over Europe. From everywhere.

    Image source: Smashing Magazine

    Sladjana:   Because there really are no borders. Not in this profession. We're all designers. And the speakers-
    Danilo:   From the U.S.. From England, the U.K.
    Sladjana:   And Germany.
    Danilo:   Right. Freiburg. Where, you know, Smashing's from.
    Sladjana:   And the people.
    Danilo:   Big names. In the business. Internet celebrities. I love speakers that motivate me. I have breakthroughs.
    Sladjana:   They really weren't big shots at all. They were like us. They were celebrities by default. As if somebody put them up there and said speak.
    Danilo:   I wish there'd been more time, though, between speakers.
    Sladjana:   It was hard to get to know people. Time was really impacted.
    Danilo:   There was a party, though. Refreshments, you know. Drinks.
    Sladjana:   And we had time out. There were all these little canals that ran through the city. Along the sidewalk.
    Danilo:   I saw somebody with a toy boat, but I thought-.
    Sladjana:   It was mountain water.
    Danilo:   I just don't know why they didn't build canals to go around the city.
    Sladjana:   And to me, more than the speakers, were the presentations themselves. Not abstract instructions about A to B, but there's this woman, she says she's going to do something, and she does it, and you're watching how this person thinks.
    Danilo:   And every speaker was different, so you walk away with all these unique perspectives.
    Sladjana:   But something everyone agreed on-
    Danilo:   Right. Issues of…responsiveness.
    Sladjana:   Progressive enhancement.
    Danilo:   Websites that work on all platforms.
    Sladjana:   Progressively for every platform.
    Danilo:   Which really relates everyday life to the Web.
    Sladjana:   We all want to make something work, and see how people respond.
    Danilo:   Exactly.

    The web in real life

    Sladjana Miljanovic Lead Front-end Developer

    Sladjana possesses unique talents in regards to style and aesthetic that cast her as a natural in the role of a front-end developer.