In 2012, Vega IT's creative front-end development team, spearheaded by Sladjana Miljanovic and Danilo Novakovic, launched DaFED, a not-for-profit organization designed for the association and networking of professional designers and front-end developers. Originally a mash-up of front-end developers from just a few companies, DaFED has evolved from a simple educational event to a fully realized monthly community conference. The first six meetings were hosted by Vega IT, but now it is held in varying locations, the first Wednesday of every month, accommodating more than 150 people. If one can measure success based on growth, then DaFED is a chart breaker.
In its current development, DaFED events offer two informative lectures from our local pool of dynamic IT gurus. They are designed to incite discussion and invite verbal exchange between the lecture panel and the audience. After the lecture and discussion phase, participants are invited to eat and drink in a more social setting, with refreshments provided by the sponsors. The synthesis of the two forums has produced encouraging and sometimes extraordinary results. Open communication leads to the revelation of certain shared dilemmas, and what one or two minds cannot always piece through, 150 minds takes care of quite nicely.

Supporting IT community