Having fun at KONTEH

Maja Bozic Categories: Events Date 21-Mar-2016

Table of contents

    What we will be doing for 2 days at the next KONTEH event?

    This was my first question when we decided to support this event and become the General sponsor of KONTEH - Job fair for business opportunities and internships.

    My Boss Saša told me: " We are going to have fun."

    This was exactly what we did.


    During this event we organized the Vega IT race challenge. More than 400 students came to our booth and tried their skills to race cars in order to win Vega IT-shirt.

    We gave away 200 T-shirts and we had so much fun during those two days.

    One of the things we would like to share with you was our Open Space Technology Workshop.

    The topic was: How to make one developer happy at work?

    We asked all students the same question: What do you think, what will make one programmer happy at work?

    These were their answers:

    - To be involved in life cycle of the project,

    - Good communication with Project Manager,

    - Great communication with the team,

    - To have a psychologist in a company,

    - Game/ Fun room,

    - Team building trips,

    - Knowledge sharing events,

    - Having a person in a company who will care about other colleagues - CHO,

    - Internal lectures,

    - Not to work overtime,

    - Regular mini stimulation,

    - Personal evaluation,

    - A lot of lazy bags,

    - Sports activity,

    - Paid trips to conferences,

    - Paid foreign language courses,

    - Once a year Company day,

    - Appreciation from the boss,

    - Appreciation from other colleagues,

    - Friendly environment,

    - Involving our family in the company activities,

    - Understanding when it comes to personal life and responsibilities,

    - Transparency,

    - Easy access to informations,

    - Involvement in decision-making

    - Personal office space and desk,

    - Great machine (computer), 2 monitors and other things.

    At the end, we realized that we have all that in Vega IT and that happiness at work doesn't just happen. It takes a focused, long-term effort from management and employees together.

    "Happiness is doing a great work together with great people."

    At the end, we can definitely say that we will see each other again next year at the event KONTEH 2017.

    Maja Bozic Partner and CSMO

    Maja's nonstandard approach to marketing has developed over the last half decade. She can hear the heart beat of the Internet.