Five Books to Read This Summer

Just a few years ago I used to be one of those people who always seemed to find good excuses for not having enough time to read a good book at least once a year. And, the only books I used to read were the ones written by either Dan Broun or some other bestsellers.

My recommendation for your summer reading list.
Back then, I paid close attention to my colleagues’ daily routines and I found it fascinating that besides their daily obligations at work, regular training and family-time, they still managed to read books almost every day. I found that pretty inspiring. So one day, I woke up and said to myself: “If they can do it (and it seemed to me that they had more obligations during the day than I did), so can I”. :-)
That year I took up a challenge to read at least two books month. However, those books were not supposed to be just any kind of books - they had to help me improve professionally and educate myself further. I started reading books like “Linkedin marketing”, “Growthacking”, “Happy hour is from 9 to 5”, “Joy, Inc.” and others.
Last year I raised a challenge to a new level - I decided to read one book a week.
To be honest, I wasn’t really successful at that, but I was close. :-)
This summer, I want to recommend a few books that left a huge impression on me and that should definitely be on your summer reading list:
- Tim Cook by Leander Kahney
- Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek
- The Fifth Discipline by Peter Senge
- Chief Culture Officer by Grant McCracken
- Hooked by Nir Eyal
These books left a strong impression on me because they inspired me to come up with various ideas on how to develop products, or how to be a good leader. Also, I learned more about what we can do to improve our company, what kind of company we should strive towards and alike.
If you have read a book or books that left a strong impression on you, and you believe they should be added to our Vega IT library or to my list, feel free to let us know in the comments below or send me an email at