We worked with our partners, Emperor, on an interesting project – Emperor’s 12 Days of giving

This year, we would like to embrace the true Christmas spirit. In celebration of the New Year holidays, we have joined our partners from the UK, Emperor, in working on an interesting project - Emperor’s 12 Days of giving.
In order to make small steps towards the realization of our vision (make the world a better place), recently we have been working on developing an application for the 12 days of giving campaign, which we have donated in support of this humane action.

For the next 12 days, Emperor will showcase its best works from 2017 on their website, where any of us can take a closer look at their projects and, by voting, affect the amount of funds that will be donated for one of the three offered causes: Shelter, Alzheimer or Cancer Research.
In the following 12 days, we invite you to follow this link and vote for the cause. £5 will be donated for each vote you cast. So get in the spirit and choose your goodie now.