IT Companies, Non-Profit Organisations Need Your Assistance: Code for a Cause 4

Tijana Popov Categories: Corporate Social Responsibility Date 30-Jun-2021

Table of contents

    What a response from our citizens to a Code for a Cause 4 campaign!

    Last week, we closed the public voting where, in just five days, 20 ideas received more than 7000 votes of support!

    Since our goal is to take on as many projects as we can, we are inviting IT companies from Serbia to join the Cause, and help non-profit organisations who need our support.

    What Are the Project Priorities?

    The public voted for five days and here are the list of priorities:

    • The mobile app for the platelet donors (Leuka—The Association of Patients with Acute Leukemia)
    • The “Eco-Hero” mobile app (Organisation Čepom do osmeha)
    • The platform for business coordination of the SOS Autonomous Women's Center (SOS Women's Center)
    • The website of the ACT Foundation, Serbia (ACT Foundation)
    • The mobile app “Putevima žena” (Irida)
    • The mobile app “Psihofon” (ProAktiva Psychological Center)
    • Digital support service for the students with disabilities (The Association of Students with Disabilities)
    • The website “Zajedno možemo mnogo” (Novi Sad Association of Citizens)
    • The website AKUDUNS “Sonja Marinković” (organised by AKUDUNS “Sonja Marinković”)
    • The website “Dečija pijaca” (Women's Business Club, Zrenjanin)
    • “Vitaplan Digital Assistant” (Kolping Society of Serbia)
    • The website The Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing of Vojvodina (the Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing of Vojvodina)
    • The website “” (
    • Software for the “Uhvati film: Film dostupan svima” film festival (Creative Affirmative Organization PARNAS)
    • The website "Dobri ljudi" (Special Education School Dr Milan Petrović)
    • The website for the project “Nulta tolerancija nad nasiljem nad ženama”
    • The MYNPB software (Vojvodina ICT Cluster )
    • The website for the LAB Cultural Center (LAB Cultural Center)
    • The website “Novi Sad – moderni grad” (BAZA, Association of Novi Sad Architects, Ephemera collective)
    • The website for the Obnova Film Festival (the Obnova Film Festival)

    Who Can Join Code for a Cause 4?

    All IT companies who are enthusiastic about helping our communities across Serbia. :)

    If you and your team are ready to utilise your knowledge and create meaningful software solutions for NGOs and non-profit organisations that will help our citizens in the future, FILL OUT THE FORM ON THIS LINK.

    When Can You Join Code for a Cause 4?

    The open call for IT companies has started today, and you can submit your application until the 15th of August.

    Fill out the form and let us know what is your team’s technology stack. We look forward to joining forces with you!

    Depending on your preferences, we can be as much or as little involved. :)

    Important Information About Hackathon

    Our final event—Hackathon will last for 48hours and will start on Friday, the 24th of September.

    Before the hackathon, we will host our traditional pre-hackathon meetup where teams will get to know each other better, discuss their ideas with designers and project initiators.

    So, are you and your team ready to make a change? :)

    If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at at any time!

    *Vega IT claims rights to include additional project ideas if we believe they will improve the well-being of the local community.

    Tijana Popov Content manager

    Tijana loves writing, meeting new people, and all the things that involve creativity. Like a true Hufflepuff, she’s approachable and polite. Once a year, Tijana embarks on a journey to the middle of the Middle-earth where she used to live.