As important as it is to grasp the tail of the comet streaking through the IT universe with a blaze of new tech and reformed ideas, it is important to maintain contact with the more mature technologies that created the foundation of what is rapidly becoming an entirely interactive world.
Vega has recently partnered with the content management provider Sitecore, an old school heavy hitter whose brand association is lined up with world leaders like Microsoft, Toshiba, and Nestle. Timing could not have been better on our behalf, as Sitecore has released version 7 of its platform, and Vega is one of only a few select companies in the Balkans certified to provide Sitecore content management solutions.
Toward the end of official certification, we sent two of our senior developers to the city of Poznan in Poland last April. Dragan Eremic and Dejan Ostojic are experienced CMS builders, and were chosen for their expertise in other content management frameworks.
Both of them came to the classroom cold regarding Sitecore specifics, and the days of training preparing them for an exam on the third day were extremely focused and demanding. Dragan reported that the class atmosphere was relaxed and easy going, a contrast that made absorbing the heavy amount of information workable and efficient. Dejan reported that as a representative of Vega he felt responsible to score high in order to support the claims of excellence that Vega has established as its standard.
Both of them passed, of course, with distinctions, and are certified Sitecore developers, which is an advantage in regards to procuring contracts with companies that need maintenance on their Sitecore managed websites, or need an entire site developed or laid out. By partnering with Sitecore through our employment of certified developers we have expanded the operation in a manner that reflects Vega's mission to expert solutions in as many fields as possible- keeping up with the always-advancing IT industry, even setting the pace.
But it wasn't all work. Dejan and Dragan had time to play tourist for a while in Poznan. They are both quite fluent in English, as many Serbians are, so the only problem with communication came when locals defaulted to Polish because they didn't know what to say in English.
And there was a little thing with arriving in town with Euro and having to exchange it for Zloty, which came off as mostly harmless with help from some locals. The locals were, in fact, gracious and friendly all around, and we hope we can return the favor soon.
We're very pleased to be able to provide our colleagues and staff with the opportunity to travel out of the country and attend certification seminars and various web development extravaganzas. The future of all business lies in establishing a well branded and meticulously cultured presence on the Internet. That's why we partnered with Sitecore. They are an established CMS provider with an outstanding track record and a commitment to evolving and improving their product in accurate synchronization with the Web's forward motion. We'll keep you updated with further information regarding future partnerships and milestones as they are accomplished.
We are proud to join the Sitecore team of developers and will continue to lead the way for independent IT companies in our ever-brightening corner of the world.